Confirmed Click explained

Confirmed Click explained
Photo by Lindsey LaMont / Unsplash

What is confirmed click

A confirmed click is a feature employed in digital advertising that requires a user to engage with an ad twice before it's considered a valid click-through. This mechanism helps in distinguishing intentional user actions from accidental clicks, thus ensuring better quality of clicks, less spam traffic on advertisers sites and more accurate ad performance metrics.

Below we will discuss Confirmed click in Google Ad Manager.

For how long will confirmed click affect your inventory

A confirmed click will stay with you until the corrections made are propagated, and systems conducting regular quality checks will evaluate the improvement. The exact timing cannot be specified, but you can expect a period between 2 to 6 weeks.

How to get rid of confirmed click

There is no simple hack to do this. Here is the most simple and straightforwrf answer we have:

Check for extremes in metric behavior, especially CTR. Make corrections on your website and give it time.

Unintentional clicks can still happen and will happen occasionally. Here are best practices to think about to avoid low click quality:

  1. Ad Placement: Place your ads in positions where users are less likely to click on them accidentally. Avoid placing ads too close to navigation elements, buttons, or other interactive parts of the website. Make sure they're clearly separated.
  2. Proper Ad Size: Make sure the ad is appropriately sized. Ads that are too big might overlap with website content and may lead to unintentional clicks. Consider using standard IAB ad sizes which are designed to balance visibility and user experience.
  3. Clear Ad Boundaries: Clearly delineate the boundaries of your ads. Users should be able to easily identify what is an ad and what is the website content. Using borders or different background colors for ads can help.
  4. Prevent Popup Ads: Popup ads can often lead to unintentional clicks as users try to close them. They can also irritate users and negatively affect their experience on your site. If you do need to use popups, make sure the close button is clearly visible and easy to click. We recommend to use only Adexchange Interstitials or Adsense Vignette ads.
  5. Ad Loading: Ensure ads load after the primary content of the webpage. This can prevent instances where a user is about to click on something, the page shifts due to an ad loading, and they end up clicking on the ad instead.
  6. Mobile Optimization: If a significant number of your users are on mobile devices, ensure the ads are optimized for smaller screens. The touch interface can lead to more accidental clicks if ads are not well placed or sized.
  7. Be smart with Ad Refreshing: If you're refreshing ads on your page, be cautious. A user might be about to click somewhere on the page, but if an ad refreshes and changes its size right at that moment, it can cause an accidental click.

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