Why is Ad Exchange Delivery Rate low - AdX coverage drop

Why is Ad Exchange Delivery Rate low - AdX coverage drop
Photo by Emily Morter / Unsplash

There could be a variety of reasons why your Ad Exchange Delivery rate may have dropped. Here are a few possibilities.

Always check delivery rate with conjunction to Ad Exchange match rate.
  1. Policy Violations: If you've violated any of Google's policies, it might restrict or stop serving ads on your site. Ensure your content complies with Google's AdSense / Admob / Ad Manager program policies.
  2. Low Quality Traffic: Google uses sophisticated systems to determine the quality of traffic on your site. If there's a sudden increase in low-quality traffic or invalid click activity, your delivery rate might drop.
  3. Technical Issues: If there are issues with your site's code or you've incorrectly implemented the GPT code, this could disrupt ad delivery.
  4. Ad Blockers: If a large number of your users started using ad blockers, the number of ads that can be served will decrease, reducing the delivery rate.
  5. Change in Content: If there have been significant changes in your site content, and it is no longer relevant to the advertisers who bid for your inventory, there may be a decrease in delivery rate.
  6. Inadequate Demand: If the demand for your ad inventory has reduced in the advertising auction, this could result in a drop in the delivery rate.
  7. Website Design Changes: Changes in your website's layout or design might make it difficult for ads to fit or appear correctly on your site, reducing the delivery rate.
  8. Seasonality: There may be fluctuations in advertiser spending based on the time of the year, events, and holidays. These fluctuations can impact ad delivery rate.
  9. Mobile Optimization: If your site is not well optimized for mobile, and a significant portion of your traffic is from mobile devices, it can affect the delivery rate.
  10. Low Value Inventory: If Google’s advertisers perceive your inventory as low value, they may choose not to bid for your ad space, leading to reduced delivery rate.

In order to improve your Ad Exchange delivery rate, it's important to troubleshoot potential issues and make appropriate changes to your site and strategy.